Balancing Safety, Conservation, and Practicality in Historic Building Refurbishment

Jukka Liikanen

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Oct 19, 2023

对消防安全专家来说,翻新旧建筑可能是一项挑战, 通常是因为受保护建筑的状况, 狭窄而密集的结构, 出口安全和不引人注意的技术装置解决方案有限. The building stock in Finland is still relatively young compared to many other European countries, so the process of refurbishing older buildings is usually similar to that of new buildings.

在一个典型的翻新项目中, fire safety regulations must be applied thoroughly due to the characteristics or conservation status of the old property. It is often impossible to follow the regulations as they stand but deviating figures always require careful and property-specific consideration. In most cases, however, renovation is carried out under the terms of the building rather than the fire safety regulations, and this is generally accepted practice when the use of the premises is not changed.

Each refurbishment project requires fire safety experts to tailor solutions to the specific features and challenges of the building. The Finnish National Theatre and the University of Helsinki’s main building are examples of projects requiring fire safety solutions that take into account each building’s unique space and structural complexities.

The Finnish National Theatre: Dense Spaces Did Not Prevent Significant Fire Safety Improvements

The first phase of the Finnish National Theatre refurbishment occurred about twenty years ago when the most famous part of the building – the main stage – was renovated. The five-year, 第二期翻新工程现已完成, 覆盖了大约一半的剧院空间,建于20世纪30年代和50年代. Renovations included staging, staff rooms, and the small stage facing Kaisaniemi Park.

与原计划相反, the rearrangement of the premises and modernization of technical installations were carried out on the existing structures, as the planned extension of the property was overturned due to an urban planning complaint. The cramped premises naturally posed their own challenges for implementing the technical solutions.

第三阶段——一个有200个座位的大厅——建在旧的车间空间里. 在改造过程中,空间的用途从工作人员变成了公共用途, which also meant that its exit arrangements and fire safety requirements became more demanding. 通过应用设计找到了所需的解决方案, and the exit arrangements could be adapted to the building’s existing stairwells.

受保护的受保护建筑物, 空间变化的范围是有限的, 因此,消防安全往往是通过使用技术设备来提高的. In the National Theatre, the coverage of its automatic fire extinguishing system was also extended. In addition, a glass wall in the lobby of the small stage was replaced during the project by a solid steel glass wall. 皇家88账户注册需要机械排烟, 哪一个被安装在大厅现有的梁间距中.

The University of Helsinki Main Building: Major Technical Improvements at the Heart of the Design

赫尔辛基大学的主楼分两个阶段建造. The section facing the Senate Square was completed in the first half of the 19th century, 而面对Fabianinkatu的部分, now renovated, 是在20世纪初完成的吗.

在大学主楼翻修期间, 特别注意改进出口安全解决办法. 大楼的楼梯解决方案, 在那个时期,哪个是典型的, 难道皇家88账户注册不是最有效的安全疏散大楼的方法吗. 作为翻新的一部分, 大楼增加了一个新的出口楼梯, 出口通道明显改善.

建筑保护区的功能保持不变. 新楼宇设施, 包括通风管道和电气, plumbing, and drainage systems, 被尽可能谨慎地隐藏在老建筑群中. Large, 新的机房被安置在大楼的屋顶上, 从街道和大楼用户的视线之外.

除了翻修皇家88账户注册栋建筑20世纪早期的部分, the southern courtyard of the property was converted to create 500 square metres of new interior space. The extension works within the renovation required performance-based dimensioning of the roof’s steel structures in the new space.

在项目期间也进行了现场监督, 特别强调的是防火隔间. Nearly 100 windows and doors in the building needed to be refurbished or modified as fire compartments, and the fire safety expert working on the project was responsible for inspecting, 报告和监督皇家88账户注册些修改.


在翻新项目中工作, fire safety experts need solid knowledge of both practice and theory to apply solutions. It is often clear from the start of a refurbishment project that even the most recent drawings of the building do not reflect the actual and existing solutions. Therefore, it is important that fire safety experts take a practical approach from the very beginning of the project.

The most typical tasks of fire safety engineers in refurbishment projects are the examination of exit safety and load-bearing structures and the prevention of fire spread. In addition, 项目将考虑消防分区的适用性, 排烟通风和表面材料. 如在装修期间改变建筑物用途, 消防安全方面也得到了强调, as the suitability of the new purpose and exit safety are carefully assessed. Refurbishment from the perspective of fire safety is therefore not done on paper but by focusing on the unique features of the target property.

At Jensen Hughes, we provide the fire safety expertise you need for your renovation project. Our global network of experts is renowned for their excellent ability to combine theory with practical knowledge as well as their local know-how.

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About the author

Jukka Liikanen
Jukka has close to 30 years experience in building construction planning with the last 10 years focused solely on fire safety engineering.